function [ph] = show_image(img, figno, scaled, map) %SHOW_IMG display an image with possible scaling % usage: ph = show_img(img, figno, scaled, map) % img = input image % figno = figure number to use for the plot % if 0, re-use the same figure % if omitted a new figure will be opened % optional args: % scaled = 1 (TRUE) to do auto-scale (DEFAULT) % not equal to 1 (FALSE) to inhibit scaling % map = user-specified color map % ph = figure handle %---- if( nargin > 1 ) if( figno > 0 ) figure( figno ); end else figure; end if(nargin < 3) scaled = 1; %--- TRUE end; if (scaled) disp('Image being scaled so that min value is 0 and max value is 255') mx = max(max(img)); mn = min(min(img)); omg = round(255*(img-mn)/(mx-mn)); elseif (~scaled); disp('Values > 255 set to 255 and negative values set to 0') omg = round(img); I = find(omg < 0); omg(I) = zeros(size(I)); I = find(omg > 255); omg(I) = 255 * ones(size(I)); end; if (nargin < 4); colormap(gray(256)); %--- Linear color map else ; omg = img; colormap(map); end; pim = image(omg); %trusize; %--- DSP First version of truesize axis('image'); ph = gca;