function [Out1, Out2, Out3] = fastica(mixedsig, varargin) %FASTICA - Fast Independent Component Analysis % % FastICA for Matlab 7.x and 6.x % Version 2.5, October 19 2005 % Copyright (c) Hugo Gävert, Jarmo Hurri, Jaakko Särelä, and Aapo Hyvärinen. % % FASTICA(mixedsig) estimates the independent components from given % multidimensional signals. Each row of matrix mixedsig is one % observed signal. FASTICA uses Hyvarinen's fixed-point algorithm, % see Output from the % function depends on the number output arguments: % % [icasig] = FASTICA (mixedsig); the rows of icasig contain the % estimated independent components. % % [icasig, A, W] = FASTICA (mixedsig); outputs the estimated separating % matrix W and the corresponding mixing matrix A. % % [A, W] = FASTICA (mixedsig); gives only the estimated mixing matrix % A and the separating matrix W. % % Some optional arguments induce other output formats, see below. % % A graphical user interface for FASTICA can be launched by the % command FASTICAG % % FASTICA can be called with numerous optional arguments. Optional % arguments are given in parameter pairs, so that first argument is % the name of the parameter and the next argument is the value for % that parameter. Optional parameter pairs can be given in any order. % % OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: % % Parameter name Values and description % %====================================================================== % --Basic parameters in fixed-point algorithm: % % 'approach' (string) The decorrelation approach used. Can be % symmetric ('symm'), i.e. estimate all the % independent component in parallel, or % deflation ('defl'), i.e. estimate independent % component one-by-one like in projection pursuit. % Default is 'defl'. % % 'numOfIC' (integer) Number of independent components to % be estimated. Default equals the dimension of data. % %====================================================================== % --Choosing the nonlinearity: % % 'g' (string) Chooses the nonlinearity g used in % the fixed-point algorithm. Possible values: % % Value of 'g': Nonlinearity used: % 'pow3' (default) g(u)=u^3 % 'tanh' g(u)=tanh(a1*u) % 'gauss g(u)=u*exp(-a2*u^2/2) % 'skew' g(u)=u^2 % % 'finetune' (string) Chooses the nonlinearity g used when % fine-tuning. In addition to same values % as for 'g', the possible value 'finetune' is: % 'off' fine-tuning is disabled. % % 'a1' (number) Parameter a1 used when g='tanh'. % Default is 1. % 'a2' (number) Parameter a2 used when g='gaus'. % Default is 1. % % 'mu' (number) Step size. Default is 1. % If the value of mu is other than 1, then the % program will use the stabilized version of the % algorithm (see also parameter 'stabilization'). % % % 'stabilization' (string) Values 'on' or 'off'. Default 'off'. % This parameter controls wether the program uses % the stabilized version of the algorithm or % not. If the stabilization is on, then the value % of mu can momentarily be halved if the program % senses that the algorithm is stuck between two % points (this is called a stroke). Also if there % is no convergence before half of the maximum % number of iterations has been reached then mu % will be halved for the rest of the rounds. % %====================================================================== % --Controlling convergence: % % 'epsilon' (number) Stopping criterion. Default is 0.0001. % % 'maxNumIterations' (integer) Maximum number of iterations. % Default is 1000. % % 'maxFinetune' (integer) Maximum number of iterations in % fine-tuning. Default 100. % % 'sampleSize' (number) [0 - 1] Percentage of samples used in % one iteration. Samples are chosen in random. % Default is 1 (all samples). % % 'initGuess' (matrix) Initial guess for A. Default is random. % You can now do a "one more" like this: % [ica, A, W] = fastica(mix, 'numOfIC',3); % [ica2, A2, W2] = fastica(mix, 'initGuess', A, 'numOfIC', 4); % %====================================================================== % --Graphics and text output: % % 'verbose' (string) Either 'on' or 'off'. Default is % 'on': report progress of algorithm in text format. % % 'displayMode' (string) Plot running estimates of independent % components: 'signals', 'basis', 'filters' or % 'off'. Default is 'off'. % % 'displayInterval' Number of iterations between plots. % Default is 1 (plot after every iteration). % %====================================================================== % --Controlling reduction of dimension and whitening: % % Reduction of dimension is controlled by 'firstEig' and 'lastEig', or % alternatively by 'interactivePCA'. % % 'firstEig' (integer) This and 'lastEig' specify the range for % eigenvalues that are retained, 'firstEig' is % the index of largest eigenvalue to be % retained. Default is 1. % % 'lastEig' (integer) This is the index of the last (smallest) % eigenvalue to be retained. Default equals the % dimension of data. % % 'interactivePCA' (string) Either 'on' or 'off'. When set 'on', the % eigenvalues are shown to the user and the % range can be specified interactively. Default % is 'off'. Can also be set to 'gui'. Then the user % can use the same GUI that's in FASTICAG. % % If you already know the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance % matrix, you can avoid computing it again by giving it with the % following options: % % 'pcaE' (matrix) Eigenvectors % 'pcaD' (matrix) Eigenvalues % % If you already know the whitened data, you can give it directly to % the algorithm using the following options: % % 'whiteSig' (matrix) Whitened signal % 'whiteMat' (matrix) Whitening matrix % 'dewhiteMat' (matrix) dewhitening matrix % % If values for all the 'whiteSig', 'whiteSig' and 'dewhiteMat' are % supplied, they will be used in computing the ICA. PCA and whitening % are not performed. Though 'mixedsig' is not used in the main % algorithm it still must be entered - some values are still % calculated from it. % % Performing preprocessing only is possible by the option: % % 'only' (string) Compute only PCA i.e. reduction of % dimension ('pca') or only PCA plus whitening % ('white'). Default is 'all': do ICA estimation % as well. This option changes the output % format accordingly. For example: % % [whitesig, WM, DWM] = FASTICA(mixedsig, % 'only', 'white') % returns the whitened signals, the whitening matrix % (WM) and the dewhitening matrix (DWM). (See also % WHITENV.) In FastICA the whitening matrix performs % whitening and the reduction of dimension. Dewhitening % matrix is the pseudoinverse of whitening matrix. % % [E, D] = FASTICA(mixedsig, 'only', 'pca') % returns the eigenvector (E) and diagonal % eigenvalue (D) matrices containing the % selected subspaces. % %====================================================================== % EXAMPLES % % [icasig] = FASTICA (mixedsig, 'approach', 'symm', 'g', 'tanh'); % Do ICA with tanh nonlinearity and in parallel (like % maximum likelihood estimation for supergaussian data). % % [icasig] = FASTICA (mixedsig, 'lastEig', 10, 'numOfIC', 3); % Reduce dimension to 10, and estimate only 3 % independent components. % % [icasig] = FASTICA (mixedsig, 'verbose', 'off', 'displayMode', 'off'); % Don't output convergence reports and don't plot % independent components. % % % A graphical user interface for FASTICA can be launched by the % command FASTICAG % % See also FASTICAG % @(#)$Id: fastica.m,v 1.14 2005/10/19 13:05:34 jarmo Exp $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Check some basic requirements of the data if nargin == 0, error ('You must supply the mixed data as input argument.'); end if length (size (mixedsig)) > 2, error ('Input data can not have more than two dimensions.'); end if any (any (isnan (mixedsig))), error ('Input data contains NaN''s.'); end if ~isa (mixedsig, 'double') fprintf ('Warning: converting input data into regular (double) precision.\n'); mixedsig = double (mixedsig); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Remove the mean and check the data [mixedsig, mixedmean] = remmean(mixedsig); [Dim, NumOfSampl] = size(mixedsig); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Default values for optional parameters % All verbose = 'on'; % Default values for 'pcamat' parameters firstEig = 1; lastEig = Dim; interactivePCA = 'off'; % Default values for 'fpica' parameters approach = 'defl'; numOfIC = Dim; g = 'pow3'; finetune = 'off'; a1 = 1; a2 = 1; myy = 1; stabilization = 'off'; epsilon = 0.0001; maxNumIterations = 1000; maxFinetune = 5; initState = 'rand'; guess = 0; sampleSize = 1; displayMode = 'off'; displayInterval = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Parameters for fastICA - i.e. this file b_verbose = 1; jumpPCA = 0; jumpWhitening = 0; only = 3; userNumOfIC = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Read the optional parameters if (rem(length(varargin),2)==1) error('Optional parameters should always go by pairs'); else for i=1:2:(length(varargin)-1) if ~ischar (varargin{i}), error (['Unknown type of optional parameter name (parameter' ... ' names must be strings).']); end % change the value of parameter switch lower (varargin{i}) case 'stabilization' stabilization = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'maxfinetune' maxFinetune = varargin{i+1}; case 'samplesize' sampleSize = varargin{i+1}; case 'verbose' verbose = lower (varargin{i+1}); % silence this program also if strcmp (verbose, 'off'), b_verbose = 0; end case 'firsteig' firstEig = varargin{i+1}; case 'lasteig' lastEig = varargin{i+1}; case 'interactivepca' interactivePCA = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'approach' approach = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'numofic' numOfIC = varargin{i+1}; % User has supplied new value for numOfIC. % We'll use this information later on... userNumOfIC = 1; case 'g' g = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'finetune' finetune = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'a1' a1 = varargin{i+1}; case 'a2' a2 = varargin{i+1}; case {'mu', 'myy'} myy = varargin{i+1}; case 'epsilon' epsilon = varargin{i+1}; case 'maxnumiterations' maxNumIterations = varargin{i+1}; case 'initguess' % no use setting 'guess' if the 'initState' is not set initState = 'guess'; guess = varargin{i+1}; case 'displaymode' displayMode = lower (varargin{i+1}); case 'displayinterval' displayInterval = varargin{i+1}; case 'pcae' % calculate if there are enought parameters to skip PCA jumpPCA = jumpPCA + 1; E = varargin{i+1}; case 'pcad' % calculate if there are enought parameters to skip PCA jumpPCA = jumpPCA + 1; D = varargin{i+1}; case 'whitesig' % calculate if there are enought parameters to skip PCA and whitening jumpWhitening = jumpWhitening + 1; whitesig = varargin{i+1}; case 'whitemat' % calculate if there are enought parameters to skip PCA and whitening jumpWhitening = jumpWhitening + 1; whiteningMatrix = varargin{i+1}; case 'dewhitemat' % calculate if there are enought parameters to skip PCA and whitening jumpWhitening = jumpWhitening + 1; dewhiteningMatrix = varargin{i+1}; case 'only' % if the user only wants to calculate PCA or... switch lower (varargin{i+1}) case 'pca' only = 1; case 'white' only = 2; case 'all' only = 3; end otherwise % Hmmm, something wrong with the parameter string error(['Unrecognized parameter: ''' varargin{i} '''']); end; end; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % print information about data if b_verbose fprintf('Number of signals: %d\n', Dim); fprintf('Number of samples: %d\n', NumOfSampl); end % Check if the data has been entered the wrong way, % but warn only... it may be on purpose if Dim > NumOfSampl if b_verbose fprintf('Warning: '); fprintf('The signal matrix may be oriented in the wrong way.\n'); fprintf('In that case transpose the matrix.\n\n'); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculating PCA % We need the results of PCA for whitening, but if we don't % need to do whitening... then we dont need PCA... if jumpWhitening == 3 if b_verbose, fprintf ('Whitened signal and corresponding matrises supplied.\n'); fprintf ('PCA calculations not needed.\n'); end; else % OK, so first we need to calculate PCA % Check to see if we already have the PCA data if jumpPCA == 2, if b_verbose, fprintf ('Values for PCA calculations supplied.\n'); fprintf ('PCA calculations not needed.\n'); end; else % display notice if the user entered one, but not both, of E and D. if (jumpPCA > 0) & (b_verbose), fprintf ('You must suply all of these in order to jump PCA:\n'); fprintf ('''pcaE'', ''pcaD''.\n'); end; % Calculate PCA [E, D]=pcamat(mixedsig, firstEig, lastEig, interactivePCA, verbose); end end % skip the rest if user only wanted PCA if only > 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Whitening the data % Check to see if the whitening is needed... if jumpWhitening == 3, if b_verbose, fprintf ('Whitening not needed.\n'); end; else % Whitening is needed % display notice if the user entered some of the whitening info, but not all. if (jumpWhitening > 0) & (b_verbose), fprintf ('You must suply all of these in order to jump whitening:\n'); fprintf ('''whiteSig'', ''whiteMat'', ''dewhiteMat''.\n'); end; % Calculate the whitening [whitesig, whiteningMatrix, dewhiteningMatrix] = whitenv ... (mixedsig, E, D, verbose); end end % if only > 1 % skip the rest if user only wanted PCA and whitening if only > 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculating the ICA % Check some parameters % The dimension of the data may have been reduced during PCA calculations. % The original dimension is calculated from the data by default, and the % number of IC is by default set to equal that dimension. Dim = size(whitesig, 1); % The number of IC's must be less or equal to the dimension of data if numOfIC > Dim numOfIC = Dim; % Show warning only if verbose = 'on' and user supplied a value for 'numOfIC' if (b_verbose & userNumOfIC) fprintf('Warning: estimating only %d independent components\n', numOfIC); fprintf('(Can''t estimate more independent components than dimension of data)\n'); end end % Calculate the ICA with fixed point algorithm. [A, W] = fpica (whitesig, whiteningMatrix, dewhiteningMatrix, approach, ... numOfIC, g, finetune, a1, a2, myy, stabilization, epsilon, ... maxNumIterations, maxFinetune, initState, guess, sampleSize, ... displayMode, displayInterval, verbose); % Check for valid return if ~isempty(W) % Add the mean back in. if b_verbose fprintf('Adding the mean back to the data.\n'); end icasig = W * mixedsig + (W * mixedmean) * ones(1, NumOfSampl); %icasig = W * mixedsig; if b_verbose & ... (max(abs(W * mixedmean)) > 1e-9) & ... (strcmp(displayMode,'signals') | strcmp(displayMode,'on')) fprintf('Note that the plots don''t have the mean added.\n'); end else icasig = []; end end % if only > 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The output depends on the number of output parameters % and the 'only' parameter. if only == 1 % only PCA Out1 = E; Out2 = D; elseif only == 2 % only PCA & whitening if nargout == 2 Out1 = whiteningMatrix; Out2 = dewhiteningMatrix; else Out1 = whitesig; Out2 = whiteningMatrix; Out3 = dewhiteningMatrix; end else % ICA if nargout == 2 Out1 = A; Out2 = W; else Out1 = icasig; Out2 = A; Out3 = W; end end