ICT ShowRoom event - 5 march 2009

Winners and pictures 2009The winners in the ICT Showroom 2009 was by the Jury selected to be
MOOR - system for handling orders in a restaurant
by Leif Sirén, Thomas Mattsson, Andreas Åkesson,
Jon von Weymarn, Sebastian Mattsson, Lotta Vappula.
This project also won the public voting.

Pictures from the event can be found at the following link.
General informationICT ShowRoom is an exhibition and a competition, in which
  • students of the ICT House present theis project work done during the past year
  • research groupds present theis project work dune during the past year

The event is open for the public


15.12 - Registration opens
31.1 - Registration closes
5.3 - ICT ShowRoom 2009 Event
Event schedule:ICT Showroom Thu 5 March 2009


11:00 ICT Showroom starts
11:00 Public voting opens

(the audience may vote for best performance and best technical content)

11:30 Jury starts to evaluate the projects
13:30 Jury ends their evaluation round

14:00 Public voting ends
14:00 ICT Showroom exhibition ends

14:30-15:00 Winners are announced in auditorium Alpha
nformation leaflet: ICTjuliste_kuvapuoli_lowres.pdfICTjuliste_tekstipuoli_lowres.pdf
Registrations:https://xprog28.cs.abo.fi/register.nsf/EventReg - Registerations due 31.1.2009
Winners 2008 and
Men vs. Women Quiz - A Facebook trivia application

Each participant in the winning team got a Nokia N810 Internet tablet
Example postersBelow are examples of poster design from ICT Showroom 2008 event
ContactsJerkerBjörkqvist (@abo.fi)
Seppo Virtanen (@utu.fi)
Janne Roslöf (@turkuamk.fi)
Tiina Haanila (@abo.fi)
