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Programming Embedded Systems 2011
NOTE: Project presentation part 2 26.4.2011 14-16, B3028 (Catbert)
Project presentation 1.3.2011 10-12
One part of the course is a small scale project (described below) in a group. On Tuesday 1.3.2011 10-12, your group should shortly present your project (2-10 minutes) with the help of e.g. pictures, Powerpoint etc. The important is that we from the presentation understand WHAT your are going to do and using WHICH Hardware / Tools.
After completing the course the student will know
* how to build small embedded systems
* program in C on a low level
* program structures for small embedded systems
* interfacing to sensors, actuators
* learn some typical hardware / software:
- Microchip PIC, Embedded Linux,
* start up hardware, booting
* use error detection methods
* how to take limited resources into consideration.
* module architecture in Linux.
Jerker Björkqvist,, room B4052.
Programming Embedded Systems I & II,
Other lecture notes (will be available on this page)
12.1.2010 - 12.3.2010
Contents, evaluation:
- Lectures Tuesdays B3040 10-12
- Exercises (5)
- Project
In order to fullfill the course, the following requirements msut be fullfilled
- Accepted exercises
- Project work
Exercises are performed, on the weeks
Tuesdays 12-16
Fridays 12-16
Assistant for exercises: Dag Ågren, room A4059.
Excercise | Contents | When | Description |
1. Super loop | Introduction to Microchip / Modtronix
Introduction to environment | Week 3
Tue 18.1 12-16
Fri 21.1 12-16 |  |
2. Task based software architecture | Create a task-based mini OS
Defining tasks
Basic scheduling | Week 4
Tue 25.1. 12-16
Fri 28.1.12-16 |  |
3. I/O and scheduling | Interrupt based scheduling
Reading switches
Low power operation | Week 5
Tue 1.2 12-16
Fri 5.2 12-16 |  |
4. Reading the temperature | Using AD-converter, interfacing to external NTC, simple soft-PWM | Week 6
Tue 8.2 12-16
Fri 11.2 12-16 |  |
5. Compiling and booting of wireless router software | Cross compiling
 | Week 7 - Week 8 | 
Each exercise whould be documented and eletronically submitted on the web address .
Exercises are done in the ESLab on 3rd floor (B3035).
Excercises will be performed mainly on your own
Do a small scale project in groups of 2-4 persons. You can yourself choose the topic, but it has to be accepted by the lecturer. The environments provided by the lab: (but you can also suggest your own environment).
The projects are presented (in a seminar, orally)
A. Before the project start: A short introduction to the project
B. After the project (the results)
 | Example of projects |  |
Modtronix | Internet based home surveillance
Internet radio |  |
Airstation | Temperature display |  |
Dreambox | Own software module, displaying temperature or weather |  |
Maemo platform | Your favorite gadget for N800 (N900) - maemo platform / QT mobility project |  |
TI watch | Lear how to to use a small wrist computer / sensors |  |
Exercises / evaluation
Name |  | Exercises | Project | STURE |
 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Andersson, Sören |  | X | X | X | X | X |  |  |
Berg, Anders |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Chang, Chia-Yuan |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Chen, Nan |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Deneke, Tewowodros |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Eranen, David |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Habli, Haitham |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Haile, Habtegebreil |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Jokio, Fareed |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Kasu, Manjusha |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Keiramo, Taru |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Khan, Nauman |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Koskinen, Martin |  | X | X | X | X | X |  |  |
Linden, Hans |  | X | X | X |  | X |  |  |
Liu, Gang |  | X | X |  |  | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Mäntylä, Jonas |  |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |
Niazi, Moazzam |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Ramachadran, Pavitra |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Ramirez, Marco |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Rantanen, Juuso |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Robertsen, Fredrik |  | X | X | X | X | X |  |  |
Rosin, Martin |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Shamim, Ahsan |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Shuja, Ali |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Siavashi, Faezeh |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Sorsa, Antti |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 21.6.11 |
Sjoblom, Joachim |  | X | X | X |  | X |  |  |
Tada, Sumit |  | X | X | X | X |  | X | 06.06.11 |
Tran, Tuan |  | X | X | X | X | X |  |  |
Weijola, Max |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Wiik, Jonathan |  | X | X | X | X | X | X | 06.06.11 |
Villega, Alberto |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Yasin, Jawad |  | X |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Title | Names | Platform |
Reittiopas Frontend (åBuss) | Martin Koskinen
Joachim Sjöblom
Fredrik Robertsén | Android |
Position sensing using | Tewodros Deneke
Habtegebreil Kssaye
Faezeh Siavashi | PSOC Microconteller
Acceleration sensor
Acceleration sensors
Measuring Water temperature | Hans Lindén
Sören Andersson |  |
Beagle Remote Monitor | Manju Kasu
Pavitra Ramachandran
Taru Keiramo
Sumit Tada |  |
"Where is Here?" | Chia Yuan Chang
ALi Shuja Siddiqui | Nokia N900 |
Morsecodetranslator | Martin Rosin
Anders Berg
Jonas Mäntylä |  |
P+PC Remote Contro | Juan Tran | N900
Python |
Peripehral Integration to a FlightSumulator | Marco Antonio Ramirez Licona |  |
Time zone countdown timer | David Eränen
Jonathan Wiik |  |
Tic Tac Toe | Ahsan Shamim
Nauman Ahmed Khan |  |
 |  |  |
asdasdads Kandidatseminarium 2023 Research capability test Kandidatseminarium 2022 Temp Kandidatseminarium 2020 Kandidatseminarium 2021 Kandidatseminarium 2019 Operativsystem 2018 (period 3) Analytics for Industrial Internet Kandidatseminarium 2018 Operativsystem 2017 (period 3) Programming Embedded Systems 2018 Programming Embedded Systems 2017 (fall) ASP Labs 2017 Kandidatseminarium 2017 Programmering i C/C++ 2016 Programming Embedded Systems 2017 ASP Labs 2015 Kandidatseminarium 2016 Operativsystem 2015/2016 (period 2) Programming Embedded Systems 2016 Programming Embedded Systems 2015 Operativsystem 2014/2015 (period 2) Programmering i C/C++ 2015 Kandidatseminarium 2015 Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2014-2015 Datorteknik hösten 2015 Obligatorisk praktik Accenture Road Show Digital Television Techniques 2015 / Wireless communication Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2013-2014 ASP Labs 2011 Digital Television Techniques 2014 / Wireless communication Programming Embedded Systems 2014 Operativsystem 2013/2014 (period 2) Kandidatseminarium 2014 Kandidatseminarium 2014 JOO: ÅA <--> UTU course exhange ASP Labs 2013 Digital Television Techniques 2013 Programming Embedded Systems 2013 Operativsystem 2012/2013 (period 2) Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2012-2013 Kandidatseminarium 2013 Digital Television Techniques 2012 Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2011-2012 Operativsystem 2011/2012 (period 2) Programming Embedded Systems 2012 Kandidatseminarium 2012 Digital Television Techniques (5 cp) Period IV / 2010 Programming Embedded Systems 2010 C++ järjestelmäohjelmointi 2011 Programming Embedded Systems 2011 Kandidatseminarium 2011 Operativsystem 2010/2011 (period 2) Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2010-2011 Räkneövningar på nätet ESResearch Kandidatseminarium 2010 Huvudämnesinfo 2010 Tent 11.12.2009 / Resultat Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2009-2010 Excercises Digital Television Techniques 2008 Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2007-2008 Praktikum i inbyggda datorsystem