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Programming Embedded Systems 2018

Course Objectives
After completing the course the student will know
* how to build (program...) small embedded systems
* program in C on low level
* program structures for small embedded systems
* interfacing to sensors, actuators
* get to know some typical hardware / software:
- TI MSP430, TI TivaC, Microchip PIC, Embedded Linux, some mobile OS
* basic uP Interfacing bus technology: Serial (RS-232, RS-485), CAN
* start up hardware, booting
* use error detection methods
* how to take limited resources into consideration.
( * module architecture in Linux. - if time )

Jerker Björkqvist,, Agora, room 346C

Programming Embedded Systems I & II,

Booting: Booting.pdfBooting_2.pdf

Lectures and labs:3.9.2018 -
Final meeting: TBD

  • Lectures Mondays 10-12 hours, Agora 110A Starting 3.9.2018
  • Exercises (5) - Mondays 13.00 - 17, in Agora 307A-C, Starting 10.9.2018
  • Small Project in Group
  • Optional Exam (for grading 0-5)

In order to pass the course, the following requirements must be fulfilled
  • Accepted exercises
  • Project work
  • Learning Journal written

The course is graded according to 2 options:

A. Passed / failed. no exam, but all exercises and final project performed. A learning journal is required !
B. Graded 0-5, requires a exam (additional to all exercises and final project)

In case B, either of the 2 following exams should be attended:

Exam 1:
Exam 2:

Learning Journal
During the course, you should keep a learning journal. The learning journal should include what was done in the course, i.e.
* lectures (main points / what did I learn? / what was new? / did I agree with what was said? / feedback)
* exercises (the lab reports from the labs made)
* final project (report)
* feedback , i.e. what is good/bad with course lectures labs etc...


3.9.2018Introduction / Hello embedded world
10.9.2018 10-12Structure of code / real-time / Simple embedded OS
17.9.2018 10-12Serial programming / Flexible scheduler / Analog IO using ADC / PWM
24.9.2018--NO LECTURE--
24.9.2018 10-12Co-operative task scheduling / watchdog timers
1.10.2018 10-12Sensors and interfacing to sensors / Can-bus
8.10.2018 10-12Shared clock scheduling /
22.10.2018 10-12Project Vision presentations
28.11.2018 13.30 ->Project presentations, 307A-C

Excercises start Mon 10.9.2018 13.00, in room 307A-C in Agora
Following lab times are available, each week, select from one of the available lab groups.
  • Group 1: Monday, 13-15
1. Super loopIntroduction to MSP430
Introduction to environment
Room 307 A-C
Monday 10.9.2018
2. Task based software architectureCreate a task-based mini OS
Defining tasks / O-O like code
Programmable timers and interrupts
Room 307 A-C
Monday 17.9.2018
3. I/O and schedulingInterrupt based scheduling
State machine
Reading switches
Low power operation
Room 307 A-C
Monday 1.10.2018
4. Reading the temperatureUsing AD-converter, interfacing to internal/ external NTC, interrupt base scheduling of multiple tasksRoom 307 A-C
Monday 8.10.2018
5. Shared clock scheduling / multiprocessorShared clock scheduling on MSP430NOTE. Exercise postponed one week
Room 307 A-C
Monday 22.10.2018
Each exercise should be documented and electronically submitted on the web address
Exercises will be performed mainly on your own in a small group, but each exercise will be started up by a short introduction and there will be a lecturer (Jerker) present in the lab.

Do a small scale project in groups of 2-4 persons. You can yourself choose the topic, but it has to be accepted by the lecturer. The environments provided by the lab: (but you can also suggest your own environment).
The projects are presented (in a seminar, orally)
A. Before the project start: A short introduction to the project
B. After the project (the results)

Example of projects
Modtronix / MicrochipInternet based home surveillance
Internet radio
AirstationTemperature display
Particle IO
Lear how to to use a small wrist computer / sensors
Raspberry PiThe sky is the limit....
TivaC development platformEmbedded solution
Beagle bordEmbedded solution

Equipment for projects:
There are some new equipment: presence sensor, IR transmitter/receiver attachable to SBC65EC, 3-button version of daughtercard.
Please read the this document for more information:


Exercises / evaluation

Code: 453502.0

Kandidatseminarium 2023
Research capability test
Kandidatseminarium 2022
Kandidatseminarium 2020
Kandidatseminarium 2021
Kandidatseminarium 2019
Operativsystem 2018 (period 3)
Analytics for Industrial Internet
Kandidatseminarium 2018
Operativsystem 2017 (period 3)
Programming Embedded Systems 2018
Programming Embedded Systems 2017 (fall)
ASP Labs 2017
Kandidatseminarium 2017
Programmering i C/C++ 2016
Programming Embedded Systems 2017
ASP Labs 2015
Kandidatseminarium 2016
Operativsystem 2015/2016 (period 2)
Programming Embedded Systems 2016
Programming Embedded Systems 2015
Operativsystem 2014/2015 (period 2)
Programmering i C/C++ 2015
Kandidatseminarium 2015
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2014-2015
Datorteknik hösten 2015
Obligatorisk praktik
Accenture Road Show
Digital Television Techniques 2015 / Wireless communication
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2013-2014
ASP Labs 2011
Digital Television Techniques 2014 / Wireless communication
Programming Embedded Systems 2014
Operativsystem 2013/2014 (period 2)
Kandidatseminarium 2014
Kandidatseminarium 2014
JOO: ÅA <--> UTU course exhange
ASP Labs 2013
Digital Television Techniques 2013
Programming Embedded Systems 2013
Operativsystem 2012/2013 (period 2)
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2012-2013
Kandidatseminarium 2013
Digital Television Techniques 2012
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2011-2012
Operativsystem 2011/2012 (period 2)
Programming Embedded Systems 2012
Kandidatseminarium 2012
Digital Television Techniques (5 cp) Period IV / 2010
Programming Embedded Systems 2010
C++ järjestelmäohjelmointi 2011
Programming Embedded Systems 2011
Kandidatseminarium 2011
Operativsystem 2010/2011 (period 2)
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2010-2011
Räkneövningar på nätet
Kandidatseminarium 2010
Huvudämnesinfo 2010
Tent 11.12.2009 / Resultat
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2009-2010
Excercises Digital Television Techniques 2008
Programmering i C/C++ läsår 2007-2008
Praktikum i inbyggda datorsystem